
Chicago City Wire

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Public Building Commission of Chicago Board met November 13

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Public Building Commission of Chicago Board met Nov. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission

of Chicago was held at the Board Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Richard J. Daley Center on

November 13, 2018 at 2:30 P.M.

The following Commissioners were present:

Rahm Emanuel

Olga Camargo

James F. Ellis, Jr.

Arnold Randall

Jesse Ruiz

Samuel Wm. Sax - 6

Also present was:

Carina E. Sánchez

L. Alzaiel S. Hendricks H. Perez

J. Beatty G. Johnson N. Perez

K. Beere T. Joseph D. Perolat

M. Bell J. Koo K. Purcell

L. Bolivar C. Lee F. Rico

J. Borkman K. LeJeune R. Rucks

M. Brush L. Lypson C. Santay

V. Colla L. McGuire E. Scanlan

L. Collado M. McMurray A. Shah

J. Cooper A. Marti V. Simpkins

D. Crater T. Mendrek B. Smith

J. De La Fuente B. Milligan E. Smith

E. Bailey-Dickson R. Mitchell A. Terry

D. Doyle J. Mo B. Weber

R. Doytcheva P. Montenegro T. Foucher-Weekley

A. Fredd P. Saldana Natke R. Westbrook

L. Giderof L. Neal R. Whitehurst

R. Giderof K. Newman A. Wiggins

A. Gomez T. Niemiec M. Witry

P. Harding E. O’Keefe

M. Hartsfield B. Payne

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rahm Emanuel, and the presence of a quorum was established.

Following the roll call, a public participation period was conducted pursuant to Section 2.06(g) of the Open Meetings Act. Kenneth Newman had previously registered to provide comments under the guidelines established by Resolution No. 7611 approved by the Board of Commissioners on January 11, 2011. Kenneth Newman provided comments regarding the condition of various field and track facilities that are purportedly in disrepair and the need for additional athletic facilities throughout the City.

Next, the Chairman presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration of approval the minutes of the annual board meeting held on October 1, 2018. The reading of said minutes, which had previously been distributed, was dispensed with and upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the October 1, 2018 annual meeting were unanimously approved.

The next item on the agenda was a report by Commissioner Randall regarding the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on November 7, 2018 which is summarized as follows:

The Chief of Staff reported on forty-two task order awards for Specialty Consultant services for Environmental Engineering, Environmental Renovation/Demolition, Geotechnical, Surveyor, Traffic Study and Construction Material Testing Services.

A task order award for Architect of Record services was issued to STL Architects, a MBE firm, for the Read Dunning School Project in the sum of $26,395.

Recommendations were made to appoint Architect or Engineer of Record firms for seventeen school projects and a recommendation to appoint e-Builder Inc. to provide Electronic Project Management System and Technical Support services to the PBC. The Committee commended the team on the AOR/EOR selection process that included nearly all Minority Business and Women Enterprise firms.

The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Amendment 3 in the sum of $42,676,382 for Design Build services to Old Veteran Construction Inc., a MBE firm, for the Daley College MTEC Project was presented.

Amendments were approved for Project Development Services to the following four firms to increase the maximum compensation of each agreement by NTE: $1,000,000.

1. Ardmore Roderick, a MBE firm

2. Cotter Consulting, a WBE firm

3. Comprehensive Construction Consulting, a MBE firm and

4. Rodriguez & Associates, a MBE

The Chief Development Officer reported on field orders issued on various projects and provided a recommendation to approve change orders as follows: Change orders for revisions associated with the regulatory review process in the sum of $282,198.80 at the Skinner West Elementary School Annex Project; Closeout change orders in the total sum of $55,056.09 including credits for used equipment and site work allowance and changes due to an unforeseen condition at an existing storm water pipe at the Columbia Explorers Academy Modular Project; Closeout credit in the sum of ($28,326.64) for unused contingency at the Mt. Greenwood Elementary School Annex Site Prep Project; Liquidated damages closeout credits in the sum of ($52,245.27) at the Payton College Prep High School and ($19,016.78) at the Chinatown Library Project; and Closeout change order in the total sum of $12,404.62 for miscellaneous changes and credits for liquidated damages, unused site work and contingency credits at the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center Addition Project.

The AO Committee accepted the recommendations and reports from the PBC representatives.

A copy of the Task Order Report is attached hereto as Exhibit “A.”

A copy of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Amendment for Design-Build Services to Old Veteran Construction Inc. for the Richard J. Daley College MTEC Project is attached hereto as Exhibit “B.”

Following consideration of the AO Committee report and upon motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolutions were adopted by the Board of Commissioners:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to issue amendments to professional services agreements for the projects and services as indicated on the document entitled, “Proposed Amendment Report to the Administrative Operations Committee” and attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit “C”.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo, James F. Ellis, Arnold Randall, Jesse Ruiz and Samuel Wm. Sax – 6

Commissioners voting in the negative:



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to issue change orders to construction contracts for the projects and services as indicated on the document entitled, “Proposed Change Order Report for PBC Board Meeting” and attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit “D”.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo, James F. Ellis, Arnold Randall, Jesse Ruiz and Samuel Wm. Sax – 6

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Next, the Commissioners were presented with consideration of approval to appoint e- Builder Inc. to provide Electronic Project Management System and Technical Support Services to the Public Building Commission. The Commissioners were advised that e-Builder Inc. along with six other firms submitted proposals to the Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) following an extensive procurement. The proposals were evaluated by MWRD’s selection advisory committee comprised of staff from Information and Technology, Engineering and Procurement staff. MWRD selected e-Builder to provide the required services after determining that it had a user-friendly system, multiple relevant local municipal references, instant availability of the required system components and on-going research and development components. It was recommended that PBC adopt MRWD’s procurement process, requirements and certain terms and conditions of MWRD’s contract with e-Builder as a means of promoting intergovernmental efficiency in the award of contracts. Accordingly, PBC staff proposed appointing e-Builder to provide electronic project management system and technical support services for a term to expire on February 1, 2021 in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 on a task order basis. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 8483

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that e-Builder Inc. is hereby appointed to provide Electronic Project Management System and Technical Support Services to the Public Building Commission for a term to expire on February 1, 2021 in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 on a Task Order basis.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director and appropriate officers of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to undertake such actions and to execute such documents, upon approval as to form and legality by Legal Counsel, as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo, James F. Ellis, Arnold Randall, Jesse Ruiz and Samuel Wm. Sax – 6

Commissioners voting in the negative:


The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Public Building Commission (PBC) and the City of Chicago (City) which provides that the City’s Office of Inspector General will also serve as the Inspector General for the Public Building Commission. PBC and the City had previously entered into an IGA and a Memorandum of Understanding for Inspector General Services dated January 1, 2015. Inasmuch as the expiration of the current IGA will soon expire, it was recommended that the parties extend the term of the IGA by an amendment through December 31, 2023, provided, however, that either party may terminate the IGA at any time upon 30 days prior notice to the other party. On motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Public Building Commission and the City of Chicago which provides that the Inspector General of the City of Chicago will provide inspector general services for the Public Building Commission for a term that will extend through December 31, 2023 is hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director and appropriate officers of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to undertake such actions and to execute such documents, upon approval as to form and legality by Legal Counsel, as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo, James F. Ellis, Arnold Randall, Jesse Ruiz and Samuel Wm. Sax – 6

Commissioners voting in the negative:


The next item on the agenda was a report by the Executive Director regarding regular reports, development status and other matters. She advised the Commissioners that the Public Building Commission has successfully completed its procurement process for professional design services which will provide PBC with a uniform, accessible, and current snapshot of firms interested in providing architectural services for PBC projects. Eligible firms were requested to submit Letters of Interest and Qualifications (LIQ) which included detailed information regarding the qualifications, experience and other relevant criteria. The responses were evaluated by an Evaluation Committee to determine the firms that should be included in PBC’s database of eligible architects or engineers to provide professional design services to the Public Building Commission. She also advised that PBC conducted an information session regarding the LIQ process for architectural and engineering services on September 20, 2018. As a result of the initiatives by PBC, 112 firms were enrolled in the Architect of Record LIQ database, and 49 firms were included on PBC’s Engineer of Record database. The Executive Director was commended for successfully updating the professional design services databases and her report was accepted.

The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of the appointment of firms to provide Architect of Record and Engineer of Record Services to the Public Building Commission for various projects. The Commissioners were advised that PBC’s LIQ databases for architect of record and engineer of record services were reviewed to determine firms that demonstrated recent, relevant experience with various User Agencies including the City of Chicago, Board of Education of the City of Chicago, Chicago Public Library, Chicago Park District, the Chicago Fire Department and other municipal projects. Following the evaluation process, the following MBE/WBE firms were recommended to provide Architect of Record/Engineer of Record services for the projects listed below: Brooks College Preparatory Academy Turf Field Repairs (Brook Architecture Inc.); Dore Elementary School Pre-K Expansion (FORMA Architecture, Ltd.); Prosser Career Academy Education Program Renovations (Tilton, Kelly + Bell, LLC); Rickover High School Education Program Renovations (Globetrotters Engineering Corporation/KOO & Associates, Ltd.); Decatur Classical Elementary School Annex and Renovation (Muller & Muller, Ltd.); McCutcheon Elementary School Annex and Renovation (STL Architects Inc.); McDade Classical Elementary School Annex and Renovation (Moody Nolan Inc./Johnson & Lee, Ltd.); Palmer Elementary School Annex and Renovation (Bauer Latoza Studio, Ltd.); Poe Classical Elementary School Annex and Renovation (Moody Nolan/Onyx Architecture); Rogers Elementary School Annex and Renovation (Urban Works, Ltd.); Waters Elementary School Annex and Renovation (Bailey Edward Design Inc./ Doyle & Associates, Architects and Interior Designers); Corliss High School Renovation (Mode Architects, P.C./Harding Partners Inc.); Kenwood Academy High School Renovation (Milhouse Engineering and Construction Inc.); Locke Elementary School Renovation (RADA Architects, Ltd.); Lovett Elementary School Renovation (Altus Works Inc./ Brush Architects, LLC); Washington High School Renovation (Wallin-Gomez Architects, Ltd.); Dirksen Elementary School Annex and Renovation (SMNG A, Ltd./Studio ARQ, LLC). Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the following firms are hereby appointed to provide Architect of Record/Engineer of Record services for the projects listed below pursuant to Master AOR/EOR Term Agreements to be administered on a Task Order basis for an amount not to exceed $5 million for a term of three (3) years with two one (1) year extensions:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to undertake such action and to execute, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, such documents as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo, James F. Ellis, Arnold Randall, Jesse Ruiz and Samuel Wm. Sax – 6

Commissioners voting in the negative:


The final item on the agenda was consideration of approval of a Revised Undertaking Request from City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) for the Richard J. Daley College Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Center located at 4101 West 76th Street. Following approval of the initial Undertaking Request by CCC in September 2017, the parties worked collaboratively to finalize the program, scope, schedule, budget and other client requirements which resulted in a Revised Undertaking Request in the amount of $46,134,429 to complete delivery of the project. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Revised Undertaking Request from City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) for the Richard J. Daley College Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Center located at 4101 West 76th Street in the sum of $46,134,429 to complete delivery of the project is hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director and appropriate officers of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to undertake such actions and to execute such documents, upon approval as to form and legality by Legal Counsel, as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo, James F. Ellis, Arnold Randall, Jesse Ruiz and Samuel Wm. Sax – 6

Commissioners voting in the negative:


There being no further business to come before the Board during the regular meeting, the meeting was adjourned.
