
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Abuse prohibited

Paramount School of the Arts in Aurora to display monthlong exhibit featuring art created by youth in care and supporters

WHAT:  Child Abuse Prevention Month Art Exhibit featuring artwork created by children who are currently in care or have been in care, students, local artists and individuals who care about the health and safety of children   

WHEN:  Friday, April 1 through Saturday, April 30, 2022


WHERE:  Paramount School of the Arts

                20 S. Stolp Ave., Aurora IL 60506

WHO:  Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Prevent Child Abuse Illinois

WHY:  April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect, promote abuse and neglect prevention efforts and encourage individuals and communities to support and celebrate children and families.


About the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Founded in 1964, DCFS is responsible for protecting children from abuse or neglect by responding to calls received on the Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-25-ABUSE (1-800-252-2873). With the goal of keeping children safe, DCFS strengthens and supports families with a wide range of services. When keeping a child safe means removing them from the home, DCFS makes every effort to reunite them with their family. When the best interest of the child makes this impossible, DCFS is committed to pursuing adoption by loving families to provide children with a safe and permanent home. DCFS is also responsible for licensing and monitoring of all Illinois child welfare agencies. 

Prevent Child Abuse Illinois (PCA Illinois) is a free standing 501(c)(3) charitable organization and the chartered state chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. Established in 1990, PCA Illinois provides key leadership for child abuse prevention in Illinois. PCA Illinois is actively involved in prevention education and public awareness, community outreach, public policy advocacy and promotion of effective prevention programs.



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