
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Wheaton Bicyclist and Pedestrian Commission met Jan. 18

City of Wheaton Bicyclist and Pedestrian Commission met Jan. 18

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order 7:00 pm 

Members present live: Rita N, Bill N, Bob V, Laurel S, George S, Cate B, Michelle D, Alyse K, Members present via Zoom: none 

Public Present live: none 

Public Present via Zoom: none 

II. Approval of November Minutes 

A. Item 1: Laurel motioned, Rita seconded, unanimously approved via voice vote. 

III. Public Comment - none 

IV. Chair Report 

A. New Member - Connor Grant 

B. New member - Cate Brady 

Item 2: We gave an overview of our group and events that we sponsor.

C. Elect Co-Chairs and Secretary –

Item 3: Laurel nominated Alyse Kondrat and Michelle Dunlap to co-Chair the Commission for 2023., Bill seconded, all approved by voice vote.

D. Overview of 2023 Budget – 

Item 4: Michelle gave an overview

V. Ongoing Business 

A. Virtual 2022 History Ride – 

Item 5 Bill to get notes from Bob G so Rich will narrate the video. They have the map and did the video at each stop.

B. Overview of 2023 Roadmap –

Item 6: Michelle gave an overview 

C. Raffle of four bike helmets – 

Item 7: questionnaire for raffle – we will choose 4 respondents to win a bike helmet D. New Logo 

Item 8 Rita will work on getting costs for a new logo design that incorporates walkers E. New Bike/ped plan 

Item 9 City said that a new report would be too pricey, do amendments. Laurel will reach out to ATA to see what amendments would cost.

VI. New Business 

A. Adding bike racks to Maps – 

Item 10: Michelle to reach out to John about location of maps 

B. Members not attending meetings 

Item 11: we will encourage members who can’t attend regularly (3 or more consecutive meetings) to resign but participate in meetings when they can and continue to volunteer at our annual events.

C. Bill met with John D and an engineer with IDOT about intersection Main and Roosevelt 

Item 12: timing of light controlled by state – city has 45 seconds approximately to get all through the intersection. If they made right turn on arrow only, wouldn’t have enough time to get everyone through intersection. Would turn a D intersection to a E or F. Thanks to Bill and John for working through this for the city of Wheaton. Joe has walked the intersection at St Francis and Main and Naperville Road to do these studies. City of Wheaton will put signs up to advertise the underpass.

D. Milemarker 0 

Item 13 we have our permanent map in metal at Mile Marker 0! Liberty and Carleton– so very exciting. Cate will write a press release and send to Alyse.

E. Survey for parking 

Item 14: please fill out survey to give your input!

F. Peruse sidewalk proposal 

Item 15: Please take a look – it’s in our Google drive 

G. Bike Safety Rodeo. 

Item 16: Park District starts meeting again in January – we will reach out about partnering for

H. Leading walk sign at Naperville and Elm 

Item 17: Connor met with Richard from DuPage Country Dept of Transportation. Wants leading walk 3-5 seconds on Walk light on before light turns green to give pedestrians a chance to cross safely. County said not enough pedestrians to accommodate it.

VII. Upcoming Meeting: February 15,2023 
