
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Winchester Board met July 24

City of Winchester Board met July 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Winchester City Council held special meeting July 24, 2023 at City Hall.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Jeff Pittman, Ron Bell, Lawrence Coultas, Terry Gregory and City Clerk Teri Little. Bill Jacquot absent.

Also, in attendance was John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney.

Rex McIntire, Mayor, called for the special meeting to address rumors that have been floating around about the property at 258 E Cherry St.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, Meeting was called to address rumors that have been floating around about the property at 258 E Cherry St. Several years ago the process started to try and condemn the house on this property. The bank at that time would not accept the summons so nothing further could be done.

Fast forward to a year and a half ago the question of demolishing the house again. It was discovered that the bank had quit claimed property back to the owners, Gauges and Crawford.

Court date was set and September 2022 demolished house and put lien on property.

In the meantime, Raven Securities purchased the deed for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Which means if e were to file a lien now on property, they could get judicial lien and that would wipe out any past liens and we would be out of luck.

There is a provision that allows Raven Securities to ask for the purchase money back from the county since the house was demolished and they would be free and clear of the property.

This caused several rumors that since the city demolished the house it caused the issue of the tax money being requested back by Raven. Attorney Coonrod met with States Attorney Rick Crews and they went thru the process and all steps were followed correctly in getting a court ruling to tear down the house. Since the house was a danger, City has the right to go to the judge for approval.

There are 2 paths that can be taken to acquire the property.

1. Wait a few days for deadline for tax deed or refund and city can then foreclose on lien and get property.

2. The city can refund the County for $6275.00 or Purchase tax deed from Ravens Security.

The council agreed to enter into an agreement with Raven Security to purchase the tax deed. The council wanted to express the agreement to purchase the tax deed is merely to assist the county as both, city and county, need to work together for the greater good of our town. This issue was to no fault of the city or county.

Coonrod will check to see if county commissioners will waive the filing fee since we are purchasing the tax deed.

City will be able to sell as surplus property.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve entering into an agreement with Raven Securities to purchase tax deed for $6275.00 and up to $400.00 for current taxes and filing fees if assessed for property at 258 E Cherry St. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory second to adjourn at 3:45 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
