
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met March 4

Webp 13

Sylvia Sims Bolton, 1st Ward Alderperson | City of Waukegan Website

Sylvia Sims Bolton, 1st Ward Alderperson | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council met March 4

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A.  Roll Call

PRESENT:  Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.

Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Carlos Herrera (Journey Church- Waukegan) / Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C.  Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Action: B.  Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Florian to approve Re-appointments to Planning & Zoning Commission - Ted Haug and Rafael Rivera

Ald Guzman expressed that he would like to see more new faces in the future for appointments.

 AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome.

NAY: None.




Action: C. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Newsome to approve Appointment to Planning & Zoning Commission- Paul Young

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome.

NAY: None.




Action: D. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to approve a Resolution to appoint Renetrice R. Pierre to Waukegan Library Board

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome.

NAY: None.




Procedural: E.  Proclamation: Waukegan Woman's Club Day - February 19, 2024

Procedural: F.  Proclamation - “AmeriCorps Week in Waukegan - March 10-16, 2024”

3. Audience Time

Jean Neterer:  Shared environmental and health concerns regarding demolition of the former St. Therese Hospital.

Clyde McLemore:  Shared that the last City Council Meeting from February 20, 2024, which was canceled, should have ended right after the City Clerk shared that there was no quorum. Explained that Mayor Taylor berated Ald Turner for not being in attendance even though multiple Alderpersons were also not in attendance. Shared his dissatisfaction with Mayor Taylor.

Renetrice Pierre: Shared personal story regarding THC usage in her family, and the effects it had, and the progress that should be made to assist those with addiction. 

Uriel Vierra:  Spoke about an issue of a business owner on Grand Ave, illegally using his personal information. Shared his concerns regarding the matter and that he would like it addressed.

Margaret Carrasco:  Spoke about her press release on the issue of alleged asbestos at the old St. Therese Hospital.  Shared concerns regarding alleged campaign donations to certain individuals involved within the State of Illinois, including Rep. Mayfield and Sen. Johnson.  Shared that they allegedly wanted to issue Vista Hospital more money despite alleged accountability issues.  Shared that she believes the Mayor's response is a lie overall.

Calvin Mathis:  Spoke about his dissatisfaction with the Aldermen during the Committee of the Whole, and that he became angry listening to the meeting. Shared that this is the worst he has seen the City Council in 15 years, and overall explained they can do better. 

Carlos Smith:  Lesson on a new word 'bussin' and shared an explanation on why he believes that Downtown Genesee St will be bussin' this year.

Rayon Edwards:  Shared that he is sick of the politics between Mayor Taylor and Ald Turner, and explained his reasons behind this comment.  Spoke about concerns regarding violence in the community, and concerns regarding Vista Hospital, including that Chief of Staff George Bridges Jr allegedly knew of the issues brought forward, and that they are adding more people to the board, playing politics.  Directed comments to Ald Guzman, and called him an 'arrogant prick' and real 'cocky' and asked certain Aldermen to stop being clowns. 

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to approve Consent Agenda items  4.  E,  G - L  excluding items  4.  A - D  &  F.

Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Turner to approve items  4.  A - D  &  F  as an omnibus vote under the Consent Agenda.

Action (Consent): E.  Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Establishment of the Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Award Program

Action (Consent): G.  Motion to approve vendor payments dated March 4, 2024 in an amount of $2,093,745.58.

Action (Consent): H.  A Resolution waiving competitive bidding requirements and approving the purchase of a 2023 Ford Explorer from Currie Motors for a not to exceed amount of $46,121. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on February 20, 2024.]

Action (Consent): I.  Resolution of the City of Waukegan, Illinois reallocating 2024 Volume Cap to the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on February 20, 2024.]

Action (Consent): J.  A Resolution waiving competitive bidding requirements and approving the purchase of two (2) GMC Terrain’s from Currie Motors for a not to exceed amount of $67,620. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on February 20, 2024.]

Action (Consent): K.  Resolution approving the purchase of a Kubota Tractor from Russo Power Equipment per Sec. 2-458(i)(3)(Joint Purchasing) through Sourcewell for an amount not to exceed $33,736.50. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on February 20, 2024.]

Action (Consent): L.  Motion to approve the Minutes of the Closed Executive Session of Committee of the Whole Meetings held on August 7, 2023, August 21, 2023, December 18, 2023 and the City Council held on February 5, 2024

 Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action (Omnibus under consent): A.  Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated February 09, 2024 in the total amount of $1,873,395.13.

Action (Omnibus under consent): B.  Motion to approve Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout, EO & CS and Retro Pay) dated February 09, 2024 in the total amount of $27,518.95.

Action (Omnibus under consent): C.  Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated February 23, 2024 in the total amount of $1,877,625.21.

Action (Omnibus under consent): D.  Motion to approve Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout and Final Payouts) dated February 23, 2024 in the total amount of $37,687.49.

Action (Omnibus under consent): F.  Motion to approve vendor payments dated February 19, 2024 in the amount of $5,916,740.67.

Ald Turner shared concerns with certain items being approved after the fact.  Assistant Finance Director Sheri Martinez provided clarification at the request of Mayor Taylor.  Corporation Counsel Stewart J. Weiss also provided an explanation, and Ald Turner again shared certain items shouldn't have been paid prior to City Council approval.

Omnibus vote under consent:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

Discussion: A.  Discussion of the Creation of Public Safety Committee of City Council [Sponsor: Ald. Felix; Continued from February, 2024 City Council Meeting.] Lengthy discussion regarding the creation of this committee took place.  After lengthy discussion the following votes took place:

Motion by Ald Felix, second by Ald Guzman to end debate of item 6. A, at this time:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.


MOTION APPROVED to end debate.

Motion by Ald Felix, second by Ald Guzman to direct staff to prepare ordinance as written to create a separate public safety committee with the scope presented, with the suggested chair/membership by Ald Felix:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.



7. New Business  Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Turner to omnibus vote New Business items  7.  B,  D - F,  excluding New Business items  7.  A,  C & G.

Action (omnibus): B.  Resolution approving and authorizing local share contribution for the U.S. Department of Transportation under the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program for the Sheridan Road/IL 137 corridor, Waukegan lakefront corridor, rail corridor realignment, and intermodal station project. [Referred by the Community Development Committee on March 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): D.  Resolution waiving competitive bidding requirements and approving the purchase of a 2023 Ford Explorer from Currie Motors. [This matter was presented to the Government Operations & Oversight Committee on March 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): E.  Resolution waiving competitive bidding and approving purchase of police equipment from iTouch Biometrics. [This matter was presented to the Government Operations & Oversight Committee on March 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): F.  Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims for Police Department Workers Compensation claim number 230911W006 for an amount not to exceed $18,355.41. [This matter was presented to the Government Operations & Oversight Committee on March 4,2024]

New Business Omnibus Vote:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: A.  Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Florian to approve an Ordinance Creating a Class A Tavern Liquor License and Granting Associated Video Gaming for Casey's Corner LLC located at 1540 N Green Bay Rd. [Referred by the Community Development Committee on February 5, 2024.]

Ald Bolton asked if this liquor license was the same one 'inherited' by family members.  Corporation Counsel Weiss confirmed.

Ald Guzman recused himself from this item, and left the room.

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: C. Motion by Ald Hayes, second by Ald Martinez to approve an Ordinance amending Chapters 3 and 14 of the City Code regarding Nightclubs. [Referred by the Community Development Committee on March 4, 2024.]

Ald Turner shared that his vote will be 'no' as we are not being business friendly requiring a business to have an additional regulation, just to dance.  

Ald Guzman recused himself from this item, and left the room.

AYE:  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Turner,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: G.  Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Newsome to go into closed executive session regarding setting of a price for sale of property owned by the City pursuant to Section 2(c)(6) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Motion to go into closed executive session regarding setting of a price for sale of property owned by the City pursuant to Section 2(c)(6) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Entered Closed Executive Session at:  9:00 PM.

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



EXITED Closed Executive Session at:  9:23 PM. 

Motion by Turner, second by Ald Newsome to reconvene Regular Open Session:


8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Turner:  Read from his prepared comments, regarding Mayor Taylor's statement on his absence at the Regular City Council Meeting on February 20, 2024.  Continued his comments on concerns within the 6th Ward, including graffiti clean up efforts, and thanked Public Works for their efforts removing graffiti.

Ald Donnenwirth:  Thanked City of Waukegan staff for assisting him with concerns in the 7th Ward.  Shared issues in his area, including shots fired and graffiti near E. Bonnie Brook Lane area.

Ald Florian:  Thanked everyone who attended the Waukegan Park District Foundation's recent event, at the Adaptive Recreation Center.  Thanked everyone for their support of the organization.

Ald Hayes:  No Comment - Pass.

Ald Bolton:  Spoke about a recent Black History Month event she attended at Carman-Buckner School, as well as a Ba'hai Community event in the 1st Ward.  Spoke about 'Arize' in the 1st Ward.  Shared condolences to a family, on the loss of their 10 year old girl.  Spoke about an informational meeting at Park Place in reference to an Illinois solar program. 

Ald Guzman:  Spoke about an issue regarding CUP for car dealer within the 9th Ward, and had clarification provided by P&Z Director Noelle Kischer-Lepper and Building Commissioner George Sellas.  He shared additional concerns in the area, including those of the demolition at the former St. Therese Hospital and the state of Vista Hospital. 

Ald Martinez:  Thanked Pastor Carlos Herrera for the invocation this evening.  Thanked everyone for prayers as he was recovering from COVID.  Shared information regarding his upcoming 3rd Ward Meeting on Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM from at Waukegan High School's Brookside Campus.  Spoke about Daylight Savings Time, which will take place on Sunday.  Shared that there will be some exciting upcoming news regarding the vacant Paragon Restaurant located in the 3rd Ward.  Encouraged residents to keep their properties clean as warmer weather arrives.  Shared that he would like to be involved with the information shared regarding Vista Hospital, as he is employed part time with Vista Medical West.  Shared his cellphone 847-390-2689 and asked everyone to be a good neighbor and be mindful. 

Ald Felix:  Shared his comments this evening regarding the concerns for the proposed Public Safety Committee under Old Business. 

Ald Newsome:  Friendly reminder to pet owners to "pick-up" after their pets after walking them.

10. Adjournment

Procedural: A.  Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Guzman to Adjourn at 9:53 PM.

