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Monday, December 23, 2024

Village of Brighton Village Board met Sept. 9

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Betsey Ann Park | Village of Brighton Website

Betsey Ann Park | Village of Brighton Website

Village of Brighton Village Board met Sept. 9v

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

B. Attendance Roll Call:

C. Approval of EOP Minutes 8-5-24 (Voice Vote):

D. Approval of Board Minutes 08-05-24 (Voice Vote):

E. Approval of Treasurers Report (Voice Vote):

F. Approval of Bills (ROLL CALL):

G. Mayor Report: Brighton Beautification-Linda Emmons (512 Mobile); Citizen of the Month-Reggie Conlee Water shut off list has gone from 148 in May to 47 in July and 22 for August. Sidewalk repairs.

H. Public Comment:

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 8/14/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: Send Clerk to the MCI Institute in Bloomington October 6-11. Conference cost is $650 per person; hotel $725 plus fees; transportation and meals extra. Maximum authorized amount of $1500 total. 


B. Economic Development Committee: 8/6/24 No Quorum

C. Park Committee: 8/8/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

D. Planning Committee: 8/01/24 Meeting Cancelled

E. Public Safety: 8/19/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: To sell the Charger and use funds to purchase new police vehicle in 2025.

2. Discuss/Possible Action: Replace one vehicle radio at a cost not to exceed $1,500.

F. Public Works: 8/26/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: Construction bid from Del’s Construction of $15,300 for tool room in Public Works building. (ROLL CALL):

2. Discuss/Possible Action: Replace the on-call service truck: Approve financing up to $38,000 to replace the oldest Colorado truck. Proceeds from sale of old truck to be paid on the new truck loan. (ROLL CALL):

3. Discuss/Possible Action: Refinance/extend current loan mini excavator of $24,000 through UCB and increase minimum payment to $100 for 45 months.

G. Zoning Committee: 8/20/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: Approve new Zoning Amendment form consolidating rezoning and special use permits into one form. (Voice Vote):

2. Discuss/Possible Action: Approve new Temporary Storage Application for storage containers that may exceed the 60 days authorized by Ordinance 2024-03. (Voice Vote):

Old Business:

A. Water Infrastructure Project update:

B. Body Camera update: Training completed, and cameras are in use.

C. Adopt Ordinance3 2024-08: Allocation of fuel to Zoning Code Official

New Business:

A. Discuss/Possible Action: Service for VAC truck needing repairs not to exceed $4500. (ROLL CALL)

B. Discuss/Possible Action: Spend up to $5000 on Village Christmas party. Amount already in budget. (ROLL CALL)

C. Discuss/Possible Action: Adding Optional Equipment Breakdown coverage to RMA Insurance. Annual coverage is $2,816. (ROLL CALL)

D. Discuss/Possible Action: Adopt new agenda format instituting Consent Agenda. (Voice Vote)

E. Discuss Schneider Pond dredging: cost, potential funding, alternatives etc…

